Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Halloween fast approaching!

I know I haven't updated in ages, but I could give a flying fucking rat's ass about that. My blog which nobody reads will be updated whenever the fuck I feel like it.

Anyhoo, with that out of the way, my favorite holiday is coming up (It's not All Saint's day, dumbass). I simply loved the concept of the morbid and macabre decorations since I was the twisted wee tot who watched the shining at the tender age of 5. This year I'm going as Carrie, from the movie/book Carrie. I'm so giddy I'm not even going to say any more about my anticipation, yay!

I really wish I had some alcohol handy, preferably something strong and here's why, last week I went to see one of them witch doctors, otherwise known as shrinks. Here's the breakdown of how that went, I push the cripple (my dad) to her office, we get questionaires, I speak to her for about an hour and a half, the cripple talks to her for 20 minutes, wham! Bam! This declare little ole' me bi-polar and give me crazy pills. Shocking, ain't it?

Seriously, I am NOT making this up, has our society become so efficient that they can diagnose mental illness and prescribe medication for it in a matter of about 2 hours? I very well may be delusional but the logic in that escapes me. Fucking Christ.

Last week I also developed a painful and annoying throat infection, not much to say about that except I'm on the mend and can almost eat and talk to perfection and without pain.

Without further adieu I'm stepping out, but before I do I'm announcing that I'm starting a video podcast with my friend and we'll film our first episode at a halloween party, hope the viewers (or lack thereof) enjoy it, don't really care if they don't, I may be bi-polar and a bitch, but I'm not constantly seeking approval from complete fucking strangers, ciao!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

IQ, Yom Kippur, Yearbook, oh my!

Since I guess I have some blogging to catch up on, I better start now.

This weekend was the sacred Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur, which is the start of the Jewish new year. Anyhoo for the day, we aren't supposed to eat and all we can drink is water, but at night we have a huge feast. Saturday is when my family had a feast and I invited my gentile, Serbian friend, Sara. Of course on Jewish holidays it's customary to consume kosher wine, such as Maneschwitz.

Anyhoo, they say "You learn something new everyday" and this day was no exception. My lesson? Never let your almost 70 year old diabetic, bi-polar father drink, even for religious reasons. See, family dinners at my home are pparently the best time for my older sister and my father to take me down a few pegs. My sister makes horribly rude, snide remarks to me, I defend myself, my father yells at me. The night ending with me fuming, my dad passed out, my sister at some kegger, and my only 2 family members present accusing me of being an alcoholic, this took place Saturday and my father was still giving me the dredded silent treatment for "Fighting with my sister", this is my sister and I fighting.

Her: You better keep the wine out of Tish's hands, it might dissapear.

Me: Will you stop, please?

Her: Tish, stop drinking.

Me: It's my first glass, you dirtbag.

My Dad: Tish, how dare you!? Fcuk you, you little bitch! Stop fighting with your sister!

Me:...What the hell? *turn to Sara* Happy holidays at the Solomon's.

Next topic.

If one thing infuriates me me more than anything else, if Colin Farell gave me genital warts it would piss me off less than this, condescending people who think they're more intelligent and just plain better than everyone else. This fuels my spite towards IQ tests, since it acts as wind blowing the firey egos of such individuals. Despite this I took an IQ test yesterday, just for the hell of it. Turns out I am "above average intelligence" and if that didn't make me happy, this sure will. This is an actual quote from the website when I got my results.

"Well done! Your performance on the test was well above the population average
which means that you have the ability to achieve success in life."

Isn't that awful!? It's basically saying if you're not above "average intelligence" whatever the fuck that is, you don't have the abilities to succeed in life? This is making me madder than the Hulk with an adulterous girlfriend so...moving on.

I got my 10 th grade yearbook today, filled with pictures I don't remember being taken...just awful candids, but I feel I've ranted enough for the day so good night to you all!

My first blog post!

I've decided to start my own blog, not because all the "cool kids" are doing it, not to be a part of something, not even because blogging is trendy. I'm simply starting a blog because my mental nonsense is too vast to be contained in my head. See, I think too much and I'm a little un-balanced and truth be told, I need a vent. The concept of a diary or a journal never really appealed to me and I don't really have anything to lose by making a blog, so what gives a shit?

Before you seriously start reading my blog (if I have the patience to not forget about it) you should know few things about me. My name is Tish (not really but 90 % of people call me that) I'm a 16 year old girl, but hold on before you stop reading! I'm not one of those self- pitying, attention whores. I'm very contradicting, but that's just human nature, isn't it? I'm pretty capricious and swear...alot. I also get off-topic and lose my train of thought quite easily, so if you don't want to read about my odd musings, don't, simple as that. Is someone forcing you to read an adolescent girl's thoughts and day-to-day life? I certainly doubt it, so if you don't like my blog, don't read it, don't bitch to me about how much I suck or how I need to learn how to spell or insignificant shit like that.

With my tactless rantings out of the way for now, welcome to my blog!